YECREA is proud to announce the first ever task force in its history, which will be dealing with Open Access from a young scholar’s perspective. Our ambition is to inform about different Open Access models and the pitfalls or opportunities they might entail, to help navigate the messy landscape of Open Access publishing, to educate […]
Call for YECREA Representatives
The YECREA network is calling for early-career communication researchers across Europe to apply for 7 vacant positions as YECREA representatives. Deadline for application: 15 February 2019.
Sections: (1) Communication Law and Policy. (2) Digital Games Research, (3) Health Communication (TWG), (4) Media & The City (TWG), (5) Philosophy of Communication, (6) Science and Environment Communication (7) Women’s Network
New YECREA Management Team elected
We are happy to introduce ourselves as a new management team of the YECREA. During the next year we will coordinate the work in this network. We hope that we can make this network more useful for the young researchers, but also to improve the section and TWG activities. We as new managing team of […]
ECC 2020 in Portugal!
The 8th European Communication Conference will be hosted by the Communication and Society Research Centre (Centro de Estudos de Comunicação e Sociedade – CECS) of the Institute of Social Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. The conference takes place from 2 to 5 October 2020 in the buildings of the University of Minho. Under the […]
ECC is here!
The ECC is finally arriving. Yecre has four important events going on in Lugano to which we want to invite you all.
Call for Applicants: Young Scholar Grants ECC Lugano 2018
The ECREA Young Scholars Network (Yecrea) and ECREA invite application for 10 young scholar grants each up to the value of 450€ for attending the European Communication Conference (ECC) in Lugano.
Annual Report 2017
Yecrea’s annual report for 2017 has been published. You can find it here: Yecrea annual report 2017 If you are interested in past annual reports, you can find them in our Annual reports page.
YECREA Pre-conference in Lugano
Yecrea is organizing a full-day ECC preconference in Lugano this year.
YECREA Funds for the ECREA 2018 Conference in Lugano
YECREA is very pleased to announce that young scholars without sufficient financial resources will be able to apply for financial aid in order to attend the 2018 ECREA conference in Lugano! The funding will offer to cover a combination of travel cost and fee waivers, but more details will be announced in late January/early February. […]
The Call for Papers for the ECC 2018 in Lugano is out!
The 7th European Communication Conference (ECC) (aka ECREA 2018) will take place in Lugano, Switzerland on October 31 – November 3.