
Not yet a member of YECREA?

Becoming a YECREA member is free, as long as you are a member of ECREA. The only requirements are to be an ECREA member and to be either a graduate student or an early career scholar.

If you are a member of ECREA, you can easily join YECREA. Please log in to intranet, go to your profile by clicking on your name in the upper right corner, click on “edit profile” and join YECREA.

If you are not yet a member of ECREA, you can become a member of ECREA for 35 euros (12 euros for members from Soft Currency Countries) here If your affiliation has an institutional membership, you can become a member for free as a PhD student by requesting the institutional coordinator to add you as a member.

While we recommend you to join our Facebook group, we want to remind you that joining the Facebook page does not make you a YECREA member. You can only join YECREA via the ECREA official website.

And we just opened our Twitter account. Join us!