Who We Are
YECREA, the Young Scholars Network of the European Communication Research and Education Association (ECREA) represents the young scholars within ECREA. YECREA’s main objectives are to give a voice to the young generation within ECREA, and to provide young scholars with an international network. This includes (but is not limited to) doctoral students and postdoctoral researchers.
The current management team of YECREA is:
- Sandra Banjac, University of Groningen (chair)
- Antonio Cuartero, University of Malaga (vice-chair)
- Phoebe Maares, University of Vienna (vice-chair
What We Do
YECREA’s goal is to provide young scholars with relevant information, stimulate PhD initiatives aimed at PhD support, and create forums where young scholars can share ideas, get peer support and peer review. A special emphasis is put on PhD support. YECREA aims to provide a bridge between the young generation and the advanced members of ECREA, to stimulate both communication and collaboration between the two.
The YECREA network communicates through a newsletter, and especially through the YECREA Facebook page that informs the community of young scholars of conferences, scholarships, graduate programmes, jobs, etc. Also, YECREA is present at ECREA workshops and conferences.
YECREA is represented in the ECREA thematic sections through Section Representatives. These Section Representatives ensure communication from young scholars to the section and vice versa, and represent the young scholars within the section.
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