Sandra Banjac, University of Groningen (Chair)

Sandra Banjac (Chair)

Sandra Banjac was a YECREA representative of the Journalism Studies Section before becoming a member of the YECREA management team. She completed her PhD in Journalism Studies in 2021 at the University of Vienna, Austria, and is an assistant professor at the Centre for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen, The Netherlands. Her research explores the relationship between journalists and audiences, focusing in particular on journalistic roles and audience expectations. More broadly, her research interests include the boundaries of journalism, lifestyle journalism, journalism culture, and intersectional approaches to exploring journalism’s inequalities. Over the next 3 years, she continues to be affiliated with the Journalism Studies Centre at the University of Vienna as a research fellow, working with Folker Hanusch on a project titled ‘Audience Expectations of News in the Digital Age’ funded by the Austrian Science Fund. She holds an MA in Journalism and Media within Globalisation from the universities of Aarhus, Amsterdam, and Hamburg, and a BA in Broadcasting from Edith Cowan University, in Perth, Australia.