The ECC 2020 Conference in Braga, Portugal has been postponed due to COVID-19.
YECREA Pre-Conference
Due to the conference postponement, YECREA has also decided to postpone its YECREA pre-conference. There will be a new call for participants for this event, once the conference dates are in place.
YECREA will also issue a new call for a few remaining YECREA grants for early-career scholars without institutional funding, once the conference dates are in place.
The YECREA Management Team want to send our solidarity to all early-career scholars in Europe and beyond in these difficult times.
Formal Announcement from ECREA
Dear ECC 2020 conference applicants, dear ECREA members,
We would like to inform you that in consultation with Local Organising Committee, the ECREA Executive Board has made an uneasy decision to postpone the 8th European Communication Conference, which was scheduled for 2-5 October 2020.
The different timelines and strategies of gradual withdrawal of pandemic prevention measures adopted by individual European countries have made it impossible to organise the event according to our standards of academic quality and hospitality.
It might well be the case that the traveling restrictions and social distancing measures will not be in place in October, but the organisation of and participation at the event of such scale is not possible with so many variables beyond our control.
The conference is not cancelled but postponed to 2021. ECREA and Local Organising Committee are looking for viable alternative timing of the conference in 2021 and we will announce the new dates at the latest by the end of October this year.