Deadline Postponed: YECREA Pre-Conference (ECREA 2020)

Due to the COVID-19 situation, YECREA has decided to postpone the deadline of application for the YECREA Pre-conference at the 2020 ECC Conference in Braga, Portugal. The new deadline is 15 June 2020.

Read more about the pre-conference and apply.

At the present moment, the pre-conference date, 1 October 2020, remains unchanged. However, YECREA, ECREA’s Executive Board and the Local Organizing Committee of the 2020 ECC in Braga are closely monitoring situation.

We encourage early-career scholars to apply, as applications will in any case not be ‘lost’. YECREA will in any case work hard to make the pre-conference happen in some way, of course without endangering participants.

The pre-conference consists of three workshops, covering different theoretical, methodological and practical tasks and challenges for young researchers.

Read more about the pre-conference and apply.